Y axis zoom is lost on restart

It would be good if the channel Y axis zoom levels on analog channels were persisted across a restart. Currently, if you look at a “normal” analog voltage at, say 0.5V, and have to restart Logic, you end up with non-sensical voltages on the Y axes. They seem to be related to the height of the channel. So if you have boosted the channel height to get a clear view of your 0.5V signal, you get a +/- 150V range after the restart.

@pal.oyvind Thanks for letting us know about this behavior! This is certainly something we should fix. I’ll discuss this with the team here to see if we can get this added to the backlog.

Ok, we’ve just fixed this internally, and this will be included in the next release. (2.3.34). We haven’t picked a release date for that yet, but I’d expect it to be later this week. Thanks again for reporting this!

Thanks! Keep up the awesome work! :raised_hands: