I’m having a problem with the Voltage Y-axis.
When I start the software the analog channels range is set between +10V and -10V.
How do I change the Voltage scale?
The only thing related that I can find is:
1) Right click on the channel wave form.
2) click on “Resize All Analog Channels To Match This On”
But this does not produce any change…
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
The hardware has a fixed +/-10V input range. Logic2 (the software) can auto-scale the visible signal to span the full height of the trace area using Alt-F (on Windows) or you can:
- Hover over the trace and an icon will pop up at the right end of the trace. Hover over the icon and a row of six icons will pop out. These icons can be used to adjust scaling in various ways - have a play.
- You can Ctrl-click/drag to adjust the base line for the signal
- You can Ctrl-zoom using the scroll wheel to zoom vertically and horizontally about the cursor position.
Note too that a line fit is done to the sampled points so it is not easy to see where the actual sample points are. The cursor snaps to sample points so you can see where the samples are at high horizontal zoom.
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Thanks @P.Jaquiery for helping out!
@eduardo.av.goncalves - To add to Peter’s message, you can also refer to all of our keyboard shortcuts for zooming/panning waveforms via in-app. Instructions below:
For your comment below:
The only thing related that I can find is:
- Right click on the channel wave form.
- click on “Resize All Analog Channels To Match This On”
But this does not produce any change…
The “Resize All Analog Channels” menu item resizes the pixel height of all analog channels to match the pixel height of the current analog channel you are hovering over, but doesn’t change the voltage scale.