Using Oscilloscope to measure pulse-width

I’m using the lastest Logic 2 V2.4.13 with a -16 analyzer. In oscilloscope mode, hovering the cursor over a waveform almost always displays the voltage which is helpful, however I need the timing of a pulse to be displayed instead. If I move the cursor around, it occasionally will briefly show time duration, but it doesn’t always line up with rising/falling edges of signals.

I know I can place markers, but that’s time consuming to move them from pulse to pulse to see differences.

Is there a Hot-Key that forces display of timing instead of voltage? Is there a better way of doing this?


In the general case pulse width is a tricky thing to define and anything that is tricky to define is hard to measure! The problem arises when edges are slow compared to the pulse width or where there is significant noise in the signal. An extension could be written, perhaps based on Fabiano Kovalski’s Rise/Fall Time extension, to do this job at least for clean signals. But actually, the times you have already noticed do this job.

Times are shown when the cursor is on a point in the waveform that is in a rising or falling edge and there is a following falling and rising edge pair that pass through the same voltage. You get two values - the width of the pulse and the period between pulses. For this to work there must be following rising and falling edges that pass through the voltage the cursor is on. It can help to zoom in on an edge of interest so it is easier to position the cursor somewhere in the middle of the rising or falling edge.