Hi, I want to be able to measure “between” two events on different channels (eg channel 0 and channel 1).
In this case, I am looking at latency between when a microcontroller stopped receiving data and when it starts sending data.
In the screenshot, I have labeled #1 to be the rising edge of the signal I want to measure from, and #2 as the falling edge of the signal I want to measure to.

I want to be able to start a measurement, click the square next to #1, then click the square next to #2. But I can’t – if I click the square at #2, the “add measurement” function seems to cancel itself.
The software is almost doing what I want, because before I click #2, the mouse “snaps” to that edge. Unfortunately, because I seem to be required to click in the same channel I started with, I lose the “snap” location and have to eyeball where to put the end click.
I would note that I believe older versions of the software allowed me to do this.
@douglas.malnati For timing measurements, you may be better off using timing marker pairs. Instructions for this are below.
Could this work out for your use case? An example image of what this would look like is below.
Hi Tim,
Ah I see, that’s a good approach. That certainly works for my use case.
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My TimeDelta LLA may be of interest. It measures the time between edges in two channels. Useful for things like watching clock drift between devices, tuning software PLLs, checking interrupt response times and so on.
Hi, I downloaded the extension (zip) which contains a dll (windows). Logic 2->Load Existing Extension expects a json file, what am I missing?
@nibbly78 You’ll need to navigate to Edit > Settings, then specify the directory of the .dll file under “Custom Low Level Analyzers.”
Your custom analyzer should then appear in the list of available protocol analyzers when clicking the + button in the Analyzers panel on the right.
What @timreyes said. TimeDelta is a Low Level Analyzer written in C++ to produce a .DLL. It works like analyzers such as the I2C and Async Serial analyzers on the raw data and generates output that can then be shown directly in text bubbles over the data, and used by High Level Analyzers written in Python.
Thanks, that did the trick.