My TimeDelta LLA for measuring time deltas between edges in pairs of inputs is now available at TimeDelta
is useful for measuring response times to events, clock drift between devices, dynamic behavior of PLLs and so on.

See Saleae’s Community Shared Protocols page for a list of Community Shared Extensions and descriptions of install and build processes.
Great LLA I use. But I would like to make a statistics MIN/MAX/AVG (like in measurement) of the delta I measure. Has someone an idea how to achieve this. In fact the idea is like to mix Analyzer and Measurement: getting some measures from one or more channels and doing some stats on them.
Any help or ideas will be very appreciated.
Kind regards
Hi Alexandre, glad you are finding TimeDelta useful!
I can’t see a trivial way to do what you want. In my initial use case I was interested in watching a phase locked loop acquire lock so I would copy the data out of Logic’s Data Table and paste it into a spread sheet for analysis (plotting the data). You could do something similar, or paste the data into a file and use a script to extract the parameters you want.
It should also be possible to write a High Level Analyser that can calculate the parameters.
It’s a while since I’ve written a measurement extension and I’ve forgotten what’s possible there. I’ll have a quick look and let you know if I see anything that may help.