Logic 2.2.3 - Download here!


I’ve downloaded this version [2.2.3, Pro 8, macOS 0.14.6 (18G3020)] yesterday and use digital capture for a while, as well as the measurement feature - great feature, counting digital edges is very handful, thanks!

Moving back to my code, I heard that the MacBookPro fans were spinning unexpectedly fast. Using iStats Menu, I noticed that Logic2 which was fully idle for a couple of minutes was sucking out 130% CPU, that is more that a full core @ max power. Logic2 UI was not stuck, I’ve been able to successfully restart a capture. However its CPU time kept skyrocketing at over 100%, until I shut it down and restarted it…

On start up + idle, it already eats up 8%, which is unexpected and not really nice for a laptop, but not a show stopper. However 100% is. I’m not yet sure how to reproduce this, I’ll try to find a way.

BTW, it would be nice to add a link to the changelog from the About dialog, to be able to retrieve the changelog at any time, not only on the first run after an upgrade.

Anyway, again: amazing job.
Saleae HW build fantastic products, and now the SW/GUI make them really wonderful.

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