DMX-512 decoder does not output a table

Yet another bug report here:

As far as I can see on Data Table & Terminal View | Saleae Support, there should be actual lines under the “Data” table heading; however, I’ve tried the DMX-512 decoder - and even though the signal is correctly decoded in the waveform view, there are no corresponding Data table lines:

If a switch to terminal view, there is a huge single line with contents like this:

art bitSlot 299: \0stop bitsMARK Time after Slotstart bitSlot RK Time after Slotstart bitSlot 301: \0stop bitsMARK Time aftet 302: \0stop bitsMARK Time after Slotstart bitSlot 303: \0stoter Slotstart bitSlot 304: \0stop bitsMARK Time after Slotstartop bitsMARK Time after Slotstart bitSlot 306: \0stop bitsMARKart bitSlot 307: \0stop bitsMARK Time after Slotstart bitSlot RK Time after Slotstart bitSlot 309: ...

I might have even bothered to write a parser for this, but there is something quite wrong in this output - for instance it starts with slot 299, and there is no Slot 305 between Slot 304 and Slot 306, and there is no slot content either (which is what I’d have needed).

Judging by that stray \0 there in that Terminal string, I guess whoever programmed this decoder messed up message delimiting.

Anyways, just wanted to report this.

I think the issue is likely that the DMX512 analyzer does not yet support the new FrameV2 API that was added in Logic 2.

So, you could:

Or, fork the github code, add FrameV2 support and submit a pull request. If interested, check out the serial analyzer’s GitHub for an example of one already implementing FrameV2.

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Thanks, @BitBob - I reposted here: DMX-512 decoder does not output a table in Saleae Logic 2.x · Issue #2 · saleae/dmx-512-analyzer · GitHub