Are any "ideas and feature requests" ever implemented?

Simple question: There is the ideas and feature requests site (Logic 2 - Ideas and Feature Requests - Saleae). Here, new requests and features can be created and voted upon.

However, when I select everything except “Open” (Under review + planned + in progress + live + closed), I don’t see any. All the features that I voted for (that I can remember) are still “Open”.

Hence my question: Have any of those requested features ever been implemented?

Great question! Happy to answer that for you.

In particular, we want to keep the list of search results related to only “Open” feature requests. That way, if you are unable to find a feature request posted yet, it is likely a brand new request.

We unlist any feature requests that end up going “Live” to help with keeping search results clean as mentioned above. Any new features and bug fixes we implement will be summarized in our changelog below.

We don’t use the “Under Review”, “Planned”, or “In Progress” categories. Specifically, we’re unable to commit completion timelines for any requested features at the moment. We’ve been heads down on some high priority projects, some of which we are excited to announce soon. We’d love to get to managing a public roadmap sometime afterwards.

I can answer you cutting the political BS. No , nothing is ever implemented, I have been three years monitoring features that I am interested on, quite basic features that should already be there in the first place, like for instance changing the name of the labels , and there is always the excuse that they are working on a very important project… They think we are stupid, so my recommendation is that don’t ever expect any other feature, as it won’t arrive, maybe it’s time to take a deeper look to the open source, as this is a complete joke

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Hi Tim,

It seems this is a decision for your company to make, then.

The issue is that, regardless of whether new ideas have been implemented, forum members can’t track them. Without status updates, there’s no indication that any ideas are being worked on, which erodes faith in the voting process, as you’ve seen.

Personally, I’m deciding between the Pro 8 and a competitor with a mixed-signal analyzer (“Active-Pro” debugger). While the Pro 8 has more analog inputs, the competitor offers other appealing features - especially the inclusion of debugging output in sync with the traces.

To simplify my choice, I tested a Logic-8 clone (sorry, no profit for you there) and was able to program an HLA that mimicked that debugging behavior I wanted. Now, the difference between the two is minimal, and I’m leaning towards the Pro 8, which would benefit your company.

However, I’d really like two features: 1) graphing values, and 2) daisy-chaining multiple devices—both of which would make the Pro 8 more compelling for me.

I’m not asking for priority on these, but I want to highlight that:

  • If your company shows that it indeed resolves ideas, I’d be willing to wait or take a leap of faith.
  • If it doesn’t, I’m less inclined to believe it will, and you would lose a sale.

It’s not just about me, but I hope you understand how the lack of visible progress (regarding those ideas, at least) affects potential buyers.

Thanks for reading, and all the best!

1 Like I absolutely agree with your sentiment below, and thanks for bringing that up.

Filtering for “Live” feature requests that have been implemented, and showing 0 results, doesn’t look great, and your right about not being able to track requests because of this. We had some folks in the past request to hide “Live” implemented feature requests from search results on our ideas site to clean search results up to just requests that have not yet been implemented. Your reason alone seems good enough to “re-publish” the Live implemented features from the ideas site. I’ll chat with the team about that.

Thanks for pointing out the 2 features you want as well.

Both of these are being tracked on our ideas site right now. I added a comment for you on both.

@albert.caba To share my reply to you as well, there are absolutely a ton of features we absolutely need to add to our software asap (some of which have been requested for several years now). Some of these requests are ones you have brought up in the past, and we appreciate you constantly reminding us and holding us accountable on those requests. Channel naming via Automation API is one that’s been brought up a lot for example, which on paper, is an extremely straightforward request.

We’ve mentioned in the past that we’re heads down on other high priority projects, and given that our software team consists of only 3 members total right now, sadly, this means we haven’t been able to work on many of these highly requested features (simple as they may seem) for quite awhile now. We’re excited to officially announce a lot of what we’ve been working on soon, but that comes at the expense and sacrifice of working on many other highly requested features during this time. We’re hopeful we can get to working on many of these highly requested features soon, but as a small team with limited bandwidth, we’ve had to decide on working on one or a few things at a time.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your reply. I understand it’s a hard choice to make, and you probably understand best how to weigh the importance of implementing exciting but not-yet-announceable features against possible eroding faith of (prospect-) buyers.

As a side remark, I see I did not write clearly enough that I had already found those two issues, and voted for them, so, sorry for that…

Wish you all the best, and let’s see when those exciting new features will be announced then.


6 Months later, has any single issue been implemented since then?

Still don’t see any issues as “closed”, “live” or “in progress”…

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I’m with you, it’s been months since i waited and liked the features i want, but it’s like a single ended communication, with no response at all. Multi-Language Support on Saleae Logic 2 is such a feature i’ve been waited too, i grant my time, if it helps, to translate both in portuguese and spanish, since my wife know a lot of spanish and grammatical stuff. Hope some day this and your comment reachs the team.

I sympathize with them. Having a small team and trying to make everyone happy is a TOUGH gig. I have experience in the small team hardware and software development business.

The problem is that the average user buys one or two devices. Sure, I paid like $1000 for a Pro 8 and that’s a lot of money to me. But, let’s say the team at Saleae make $500 profit on that (no idea if they make more or less but it doesn’t matter. It’s just an easy example). That’s a decent profit margin but still means that my purchase gives them just $500. Cool. Now, developers cost companies basically that much per day. So, I just funded one day for 1-2 people at most. Now, company X comes through and says “we’ll buy 1000 of them at $800 if you also can do X, Y, Z for us” As a small company this is something you want to do. Even if now you only make $300 per unit you then make $300k and this funds your business for a good while. Also, this company is paying for the extra features and support which is even more money. But you are beholden to company X and must prioritize their stuff which is probably all proprietary and doesn’t make it’s way into your public products. So, the people who bought one or two get the product and the software but you can’t afford to do much more for them because all your time goes into making new products and supporting the large proprietary customers. This frustrates everyone because the small potatoes feel neglected and the company doesn’t WANT to do that but market realities and the desire to continue having heat and food means that they must.

Now, I don’t mean to put words into other people’s mouths. So, none of this should be construed to be the way things actually are for Saleae. But, I’ve been there and gotten the t-shirt so I know it’s a possibility. Trying to build a business in this market means finding large customers and doing what they want. That stinks for smaller customers but it’s just the way it tends to work. Want a great new feature? Can you get your company to buy 100 Pro16’s? Do you have $100k burning a hole in your pocket and you’re willing to spend it on software development to get the feature you really want? Then, great! Otherwise, I understand why we’re stuck waiting. Not that I like it any more than anyone else but I understand it.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

I agree with this and also understand that this is the way you should do business. No faults there - I couldn’t do it better. Likewise, I don’t feel that entitled to demand or even expect software updates - it’s fine if this is just a gathering place for stuff that’s “nice to implement and please customers if we’ve time left”.

I guess it just irks me that it is implied that requests will honestly be reviewed and selected for implementation - at least that’s how I interpret this forum; perhaps I shouldn’t. That is my only point: just say that it’s a dumping place for ideas that no one should expect ever to be implemented for the time being. I would still have proposed my requests and hope for the better in the future.

Now, I just get a bit of a “dishonest” feeling (exaggerated) regarding the official communication in relation to what I actually see happening. That’s all. Just be up-front and honest about it, and I think it’s all good - and I would still respect the difficulties of running such a company!

I hope that makes my position a bit clearer, it’s not about my (perceived?) entitlement, but rather about their transparency.