Any hints on this exciting new functionality? 😄

For a few years now, there’s been a few hints here and there, for the last two years about some exciting new functionality coming out. Does anybody know if there’s been any hints or teasers on what this is?

Super curious what it is - I’m excited, and I don’t even know what it is…haha.

Back in November 2023, they mentioned:

For more than a year, the team’s focus has been squarely on developing the next generation Saleae product…

Then the beginning of last year, they said:

Most of our development efforts continue to be focused on functionality we’re not ready to announce,

The most recent release (December 2024) also said:

the team has been focusing primarily on still unreleased functionality.

And even on Github issues, there’s been a lot of stalled issues, and they said (example):

Our entire team is currently heads down on some high priority projects at the moment.

Any clues?


@victorhooi Excellent catches and observations! :wink:

We don’t have any official news to share just yet, but I’d be happy to chat more via email if you’re interested! Feel free to send me (Tim) a message using the link below.