In the documentation of the Socket Api’s set_trigger command, I found the following:
The command must be sent with the same number of parameters as there are channels in the software. For use with Logic, 8 parameters must be present.
I find that very confusing, and I apologize in advance for the daft questions that follow:
What do you mean by “channels in the software”? Are these the number of active channels? Or the number of active digital channels?
What do you mean by “For use with Logic”? Do you mean “Logic” as in “Logic the software” or “Logic” as in “Logic 8/16 the device”?
What do you mean by “8 parameters must be present”. Do you mean “at least 8 parameters must be present” or “exactly 8 parameters must be present”. This part seems to contradict the previous sentence.
Judging from the examples, it seems that you must always use eight parameters, except if pospulse/negpulse are used. Is that correct? Or do the active (digital) channels play a role?
@maltekliemann Sorry about the negpulse/pospulse typo! Looks like we never caught that all this time. I went and merged you pull request. Thanks for submitting that.
Hmm… you’re right about the C# API. Let me double check with the software team just to be sure.
@maltekliemann I made changes to the set_trigger description again. Apologies for the incorrect information that I previously shared, and thanks for pointing that out!
You are absolutely right - The number of parameters need to match the number of active digital channels (not the number of available digital channels).