Cannot load saved data Logic 2.0.7

I am running Manjaro Linux (fully upto date) and have been running Logic 2.0 Alpha for a while - I currently have version 2.0.7 Build 1191.

I have captured a few tabs of data and I saved them off from version 2.0.7. When I go to load them they are not shown in the load screen (also v2.0.7).
I noticed that the Logic software did not put an extension on them. I tried adding .logicdata, .logic, .capture, .capturedata all to no avail.

What should the extension be? Are my files corrupt?
(Note: I still have the program open with my original data and will not close till I get this worked out).

Thank you,

Hi Chris, thank you for this feedback - I’m sorry for this trouble!

Any chance you could upload one of these files to me?

The new extension is .sal, but this shouldn’t actually matter - the alpha currently tries to load whatever you throw at it.

Are these especially large captures?

I’ll follow up when I have a chance to talk with some others about this.


Have you tried dragging the file into the application?

I see now that the menu-based “open capture” on Mac OS doesn’t let you select non-.sal files. Will get that fixed, and will try on Linux momentarily.

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Ok Chris,

  1. The Linux version doesn’t put “.sal” on the end of the saved files (will fix)
  2. The Linux version doesn’t let you see/open non-.sal files from the Open dialog. (will fix)

You should be able to drag the files in, however, regardless of extension.

Thank you very much for reporting!!


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I put .sal and all the files worked.
Drag and drop worked as well.
thank you.

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