Using Logic Pro 16 for Power Sequencing

I totally agree – I was an early adopter of the pro series (my first Logic is Revision 0.0.0), and I now cringe when having to switch back to a bench oscilloscope. You can really get spoiled with a ‘capture everything and just post-process it’ development method vs. iteratively tweaking the capture & trigger settings to catch everything within a single snapshot on a scope. Do you prefer more range or resolution? … BOTH, and I’d like a few seconds or more before and after that, too, please :wink: I definitely love all the digital decoding, extensibility & automation features, but I’m still hoping Saleae will (eventually) update the analog filtering capabilities.

Ultimately, I see it as a difference between one ‘ultra hi-res’ snapshot (oscilloscope) vs. capturing a ‘high-enough-res’ continuous stream of everything (Saleae Logic). As long as the capture resolution is ‘good enough’, then it’s so much better to just capture everything. Yes, DSLR cameras (scopes) have their use cases, but digital video cameras (Logic analyzers) usually give you more information about real-time activities – unless you need ultra-fine details of one ‘frame buffer’ of information and you can take it at the right moment with the right settings. I’ve found it’s a lot easier to just hit ‘record’ and then rewind/single-step/zoom through the captured video vs. tweaking camera settings and trying to trigger the shutter with just the right timing.

Meanwhile, Tek has long since ‘discontinued’ my $cope, while Saleae still fully supports even my v0.0.0 hardware (purchased in circa 2014). As far as I know, they still support the original Logic/Logic16 devices that were discontinued a while ago :slight_smile: