Stop acquisition from python script Right now, we don’t have a native way of looking for a trigger with regards to a sequence of bytes (or decoded boxes). The Trigger View can only trigger on one decoded box at a time.

As an example in the image below…
Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 4.28.07 PM

If the Trigger View is attached to the Async Serial analyzer, it can only trigger on a single ASCII character, such as “H” or “e”, but not a combination “He.” The workaround is to use a concatenator extension (like the one shown here) to combine the decoded boxes into a single “Hello Saleae” message. Since all characters are combined in a single decoded box, I am not able to trigger on a sequence of characters, such as “Hello” or “Sal.”

I’m using the Concatenator extension here, as submitted by a community user to our extensions marketplace. More information on installing extensions are below. This extensions seems to be compatible only with our Async Serial analyzer though, but this does open up the possibility for developing extensions like this that are compatible for other analyzers for this purpose.