Serial monitor window formating

I’m using the Async Serial (2) for monitoring to and from a hybrid board/modem at 9600baud, so pretty low rate.
Its fantastic that each Async can be color coded - so thank you for the new feature.
However the Serial Terminal ‘i’ says that Results are not in time order if more than one “Async Serial” analyzer is used.
Its incredibly useful to be able to see the cmds in and the response from the Xbee in the serial analyzer and typically half duplex.
Just wondering if there is any work going on to be able to make it so two analyzers can output the information together with some usability “visualization” terminal display configuration
eg keep ESC characters like \r as visible
The Table view does show the raw data, maybe there could a “processing rules” column.
Many thanks for some great new features in 2.3 (I’m on latest) 2.3.16

Hi @neil, thanks for sharing this feedback. I completely agree. Other customers have mentioned the same issue, and for good reason. I’ll pass your request over to the team.

It’s actually a bit more involved in the backend to get this fixed, though it’s very doable. It’s not officially on the roadmap right now since we’re laser focused on other features at the moment, but we’re currently tracking this request in the idea post below:

I posted a comment there with a link to this discuss post you made so we can make sure to get your use case logged. Thanks again for posting this, and feel free to vote on the idea post above in the meantime.

Unfortunately getting time ordering between analyzers is tricky, but custom display formatting can actually be done today!

The terminal output of our built-in analyzers can’t be controlled, but users can write custom high-level-analyzers in python. From python, any calls to print() will get printed to the terminal.
To try and keep things organized, you can turn off the terminal display for the async serial analyzers, and only display terminal content from your custom python HLA.

If you wrote a custom HLA, you could replace specific serial bytes with any string you like, including unicode characters like “␛”

HLAs are also a great way to implement command decoding!

All these systems are still very new and have lots of room for improvement. Feedback appreciated!