Logic 2.4.7 error on launch macOS 10.15.7

Getting an error from Logic 2.4.7 when launching on macOS 10.15.7 about a failure to load a custom analyzer, but it looks like the analyzer it’s failing to load is one of the built-in ones:

CleanShot 2023-05-24 at 19.44.00

I assume this is a bug due to C++ stdlib ABI changes between whatever OS this plugin was compiler for and the OS I am running it on, but open to other suggestions. Thanks!

Hi @iris,

Sorry for the trouble! This was an error on our end. We have a fix here that we will be rolling out to all analyzers, and then pushing out a new release:

The min osx target will be 10.14, so you shouldn’t have compatibility issues. I will post an update here once the release is available.



We have an internal build with the fixed analyzer. If you are using that analyzer and need the fix, please let me know and I can send you a copy. If not, the actual release will likely go out next week.
