Logic 2.3.22 - Analog measurements on Linux

I’m trying to measure the peak-to-peak voltage of an analog signal but all I see is Vrms and the change in time.

Am I missing something obvious?


Hi Jeff,

Extra measurements are available in the marketplace. I recommend installing Peak-to-Peak Voltage, Voltage Min and Max, Voltage Start and End, and Voltage Statistics.

We should revisit what extensions are installed by default. When we first added range measurement extensions, we only had the Vrms one. We also need to improve discoverability. A simple “find more measurements” button would help a lot.

Thanks for the tip. I was assuming that that functionality would be built in and I thought I needed to do something to enable it.

I agree, having a button to take you to the Extensions list would help someone locate what measurements are available or at least clue them into the fact that they have do something to add them.


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