Howto log to disk from a HLA?

@janny-bb Thanks for writing in! My responses to your questions are below.

  1. log the console output to a file on disk directly from a HLA?

We’re currently tracking this feature request below, and I added a comment/vote for you so we can track your need for this. We unfortunately don’t have a way of automating this. Right now, you can manually copy text from the terminal (e.g. Ctrl+C on Windows) and paste it elsewhere, but I understand that this is probably not what you require.

  1. are the HLA python scripts sandboxed somehow or could they expose a socket for remote control?

Currently, extensions are not sandboxed. You can read more information about this below. Hopefully that forum thread answers your question!

  1. can a HLA trigger a capture to be saved to disk?

Apologies this is also not possible at the moment! HLAs do have the ability to trigger on data in real-time. You can read more about this below (section titled “Trigger View - Triggering on a Protocol Result”). However, it doesn’t have the ability to subsequently save the capture to disk.

I think the most similar feature request might be below. Can you let me know if something like this would be what you need?

By the way, we’d love to know more about your testing workflow, as well as what kind of data you are interested in capturing exactly!