High level analyzer for HALL steps

Hi, I want to create a high level analyzer for a motors HALL signals. The signals are three digital signals that toggle in a specific pattern such that they can be read as a binary value with 3 bits.

From what I can see there is an input analyzer for the scripts but there is no clock signal for these signals.
My thought process is like this:

  1. Trigger on every rising and falling edge.
  2. Calculate a value based on the value of all signals
  3. Output the value

Is it possible to do this?

High-level analyzers (HLAs) depend on data coming from the low-level protocol analyzer SDK, or a built-in low-level protocol analyzer with FrameV2 support.

For this use case, I think the simple parallel analyzer (no clock) could provide the FrameV2 decoded data you’d need to input into your own custom HLA extension.