eSPI protocol

Hi Saleae team,

Does Saleas support the eSPI protocol?

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@fei.wu We unfortunately don’t have official native support for decoding eSPI packets. We’re currently tracking this feature request in the link below and I’ve added a comment for you to track your need for this feature. Feel free to vote for it!

You may find some luck by using our included SPI analyzer. The issue you may run into is that our SPI analyzer has one setting for word length (e.g. you can specify an 8-bit word length), and the SPI analyzer will always decode in chunks of that setting (e.g. in 8-bit chunks). I understand that the eSPI protocol doesn’t always stick to one bit word length, so you may run into trouble with decoding synchronization if the bit word lengths are not always the same.

Your best bet at the moment would be to create a custom analyzer using our protocol analyzer SDK below, however, it will require extensive C++ knowledge.

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Got it, thanks Timreyes, do you have any plan to release official eSPI decoder?

@fei.wu You’re very welcome! We don’t have any plans at the moment due to other priority projects on our plate.

As an alternative, I did want to mention that the folks at Binho are currently providing services to develop custom extensions and analyzers. More information on this can be found in the link below in case you are interested in reaching out to them for a custom eSPI analyzer solution.

Got it, thanks.