Analog measurements over a huge amount of data

Hi, I need to measure mean value of an analog signal from a huge amount of data (260 seconds, 12,5 MS/s, total 12 GB occupied). I have selected the window, and waited for a couple of hours, but the measurements did not appear. Is there a way to do this?

Also I see if I first select a small window, the measurements appear, but if I select large window, and then select small, they do not. It seems like the calculations are queued and processed in order. I think they should be cancelled and started again when changing active window.

@kazink Sorry for the confusion this causes. Yes, this certainly sounds like a processing time issue. We need to do a better job of communicating that the software backend is still in the middle of processing data (perhaps with a proper progress bar). I’ll let the team know this.

The fact that you are able to run the measurement much quicker on a smaller data set gives the clue that processing time could be the reason here.

What happens when you incrementally increase the size of the measurement box? Do you notice the time to process slowly increase as well?

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Thank you.
Yes, the processing time increases, which is understandable. For 50Ms/s (1 channel) 10-second selection measurement processing time is over 4 seconds, for 20-second data it is 7 seconds, for 1-minute data - 22 seconds.

I don’t mind f it takes even a few hours to process, but a progress indicator would be very appreciated, because I would like to know if it’s going or have stuck somewhere and I’m waiting for nothing.

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@kazink Thanks for confirming. I’ll let the team know about a potential progress indicator for that. This should be mandatory for the software to show.

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But only if processing has/will take longer than a second. Silly to pop up an in ya face progress bar that blinks out of existence as soon as it is noticed.

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Agreed. I’ll add that note to our backlog.

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