Logic 2.2.15

Please find some suggestions after debugging an I²C device with the 2.2.15 release.

  • To what does this blocking error message correspond? Is a trigger set by default?

  • I’m defining the SDA channel for the I²C protocol. The configuration page is misleading as Channel 5 appears in front of SCL.

I would suggest highlighting the variable being set, here the SDA label.

  • Trimming the record is a great feature.

However, the trigger mark isn’t listed when it appears on the record. Adding it would be great.

  • I like the terminal pane. To what does the PRO label correspond?

Adding a new-line before each write and read would be great for display and copy-paste. Currently, the new-line seems to be added randomly on some frames.

write to 0x48 ack data: 0x00 read to 0x48 ack data: 0x80 0x00
write to 0x40 ack data: 0x0E 0x00 write to 0x40 ack data: 0x0F read to 0x40 ack data: 0x00
write to 0x40 ack data: 0x0F 0x00 write to 0x40 ack data: 0x0F 0x00 write to 0x40 ack data: 0x0F read to 0x40 ack data: 0x00
write to 0x40 ack data: 0xFC read to 0x40 ack data: 0x49 0x54
write to 0x40 ack data: 0xFE read to 0x40 ack data: 0xD0 0x07
write to 0x40 ack data: 0x0F 0x01 0x80
write to 0x00 ackread to 0x40 nak

  • The left and right arrows on the keyboard no longer move the record.

Thank you!

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