Logic 2.1.5 (Alpha 17)

Sorry, I am not sure if this should go here on in wish list stuff.

I know I mentioned earlier about USB capture stuff, (USB LS/FS analyzer) and mentioned, that I wish I had more control over what things that showed up in the decoded protocol and later output reports.

I use this analyzer when working with Teensy 3.6/4.0 USB host code support. Often when I wish to help support a different USB Mouse or Keyboard, Joystick, Serial Adapter,… Often times I try to analyze the communications that happen when you plug that device into some host that supports it, and then compare it what my code is doing and iterate until I get something working.

Often times, I will start up a capture and then plug the device in and let it run for maybe 15 seconds, with Logic 1 I would then export all of the data to a csv file and then try to extract the relevant data. The initial output file could be at times something like 50000 lines long sometimes millions of lines. Often times I could reduce this down to a few hundred lines that I might actually want to look at.

Some details about what I would do, is up in the thread: https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/55457-How-to-do-multiple-REGEX-search-and-replace-operations-in-large-file.

When I do this, I am mostly interested in those lines that have DATA associated with it, plus a line or two before and after. I tried a lot of the reduction using sublimetext editing, but found that part was slow, so I would take the file to a unix board and use grep.
In the above mentioned thread, I had a capture that output > 3 million lines.

The linux command

grep -B1 ",DATA" USB_Capture_WIndows_XBoxOne_Pair_packets2.txt > u2

Reduced this down to 2066 lines. then in sublime text I used a regular expression search and replace:

Search: ".*\b(IN|OUT|SETUP),0x[0-9]*,(.*)\n.*DATA[0-1],,,(.*\n)"
Replace:  "$1,$2,$3"

Also also another one that replaced multiple ,'s with a , (may have to run it a few times)
Which in this case brought the file down to 689 lines.

When I then bring the file into excel it was a lot easier to look at, starting like:

SETUP	0x00	0x05		0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
IN	0x00	0x05	0x0000	
SETUP	0x00	0x05		0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04 0x00
OUT	0x00	0x05		0x59 0x0C 0x01 0x00
IN	0x00	0x05	0x0000	
IN	0x01	0x13		0x0E 0x04 0x01 0x59 0x0C 0x00
SETUP	0x00	0x05		0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 0x00
OUT	0x00	0x05		0x01 0x04 0x05 0x33 0x8B 0x9E 0x05 0x00
IN	0x00	0x05	0x0000	
IN	0x01	0x13		0x0F 0x04 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x04
SETUP	0x00	0x05		0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0A 0x00
OUT	0x00	0x05		0x0B 0x20 0x07 0x01 0x12 0x00 0x12 0x00 0x00 0x00
IN	0x00	0x05	0x0000	
IN	0x01	0x13		0x0E 0x04 0x01 0x0B 0x20 0x00
SETUP	0x00	0x05		0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x00
OUT	0x00	0x05		0x0C 0x20 0x02 0x01 0x00

Again I know that this is probably a wish list like thing, but thought I would mention it here, to see may if this analyzer has any plans to be enhanced, with maybe the idea of the ability to better chose the data you wish to see both in the reports as well as in the decoded protocol window.
