HELP_exporttable from existed capture

I want to export_data_table from existed cap, I write the python code to call cap.export_data_table() appfunc, but there is always error like below:

what is wrong with my code?

Thank you very much

@gailing_feng Hm… I can’t quite tell what the issue is based on the error messages you sent over.

Our example Python script below provides the ability to export the data table. As a starting point, could you try running that script and let me know if that works on your end?

If the example script works, then it’s likely there is some kind of issue with your custom script. Otherwise, if the example script fails, then something else may be at play which is causing the error on your end.

Thank you for your feedback, my code can already work.
But I have another problem——I need to open an existed file *.sal , and export the data table , and I find I forgot add the glitch filter config, can I now add glitch_filters config now to the class automation.LogicDeviceConfiguration when I open the existed file?
what’s the format of giltch_filters if I want to add multiple filter, such as picture like below

I mean the code, if I want to add two channels for glitch_filters, how can I write the list?like [[0,0.000001], [1,0.000000055]]?

@gailing_feng Unfortunately, glitch filters are not able to be added after a capture is already completed (in case this is what you needed). Glitch filters can only be configured before a capture starts. Having said that, we’re tracking this feature request below.

For some example usage scenarios for applying a glitch filter via our Automation API, you can refer to the link below. Hope that helps out!

Thank you very much for your comments. I see, and now the glitch_filters can work in my code.

Hi, now i want add i2c_analyzer into my code, do you have example code?I didn’t find it in the sdk. Thank you very much

@gailing_feng Sure thing! You can actually refer to our entire “tests” folder below for all of the examples we have available.

You’ll find, which shows examples of adding analyzers to your capture. Hope that helps!