Build thirdparty analyzer


I’m new in this field and following the list below i’m not able to build.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake … -A x64
cmake --build .
:: built analyzer will be located at SampleAnalyzer\build\Analyzers\Debug\SimpleSerialAnalyzer.dll7

Visual studio 2017
the c++ code to build here
C:\Users\Az-eddine\Downloads\Saleae_CAN-FD_Analyser-maste that contains two folders:

  • Source

Could you please tell me exactly step by step how to proceed?


@azeddine.haida9 Sorry for the trouble with that! Specifically, it looks like the community CAN-FD analyzer developer has not yet updated their build process to support cmake.

We opened up an Issue for them in the link below, and we also provide instructions on how to do so:

Can you run through those steps to update the analyzer to support cmake? You can do so locally on your PC as well using the files that you’ve already downloaded to your Downloads folder. Let me know if you run into any specific issues with that! Once that’s configured, you should be able to run through the cmake build steps by entering the following commands into your terminal.

cd C:\Users\Az-eddine\Downloads\Saleae_CAN-FD_Analyser-master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake … -A x64
cmake --build .


here is the results:

C:\Users\Az-eddine\Downloads\Saleae_CAN-FD_Analyser-master>mkdir build

C:\Users\Az-eddine\Downloads\Saleae_CAN-FD_Analyser-master>cd build

C:\Users\Az-eddine\Downloads\Saleae_CAN-FD_Analyser-master\build>cmake … -A X64
CMake Warning:
Ignoring extra path from command line:


CMake Error: The source directory “C:/Users/Az-eddine/Downloads/Saleae_CAN-FD_Analyser-master/build/…” does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.


@azeddine.haida9 It looks like you may not have copied the CMakeLists.txt file from the SampleAnalyzer repo.

In any case, I just reached out to the original developer, and it looks like they were able to update their repo to meet the requirements of the new build steps!

I haven’t had a chance to test it, but could you download the newer version and give the build steps a try again?