Unable to load custom analyzer in Debugger

I’m writing a low-level custom analyzer on MacOS Ventura (x86) using the Analyzer SDK. I’ve followed the readme instructions and successfully renamed, built, and launched the sample analyzer. I set the custom low level analyzers directory in the Preferences dialog to …/build/Analyzers. I notice the build analyzer has a .so extension. I also enabled the debugging entitlement for Logic.

Currently, I’m unable to attach and launch the debugger. It appears lldb cannot read the built .so file:

error: symbol[257] has invalid string table offset 0x874850f in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUCompiler.framework/Versions/31001/Libraries/libllvm-flatbuffers.dylib, ignoring symbol
warning: (x86_64) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUCompiler.framework/Versions/31001/Libraries/libGPUCompilerUtils.dylib load command 1 LC_SEGMENT_64 has a fileoff (0x3afca000) that extends beyond the end of the file (0xa9a0), ignoring this section
warning: (x86_64) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUCompiler.framework/Versions/31001/Libraries/libGPUCompilerUtils.dylib load command 2 LC_SEGMENT_64 has a fileoff (0x79a98000) that extends beyond the end of the file (0xa9a0), ignoring this section
[1]    58652 bus error  lldb libMyAnalyzer.so**ylib...**

I tried to follow some of the troubleshooting instructions, but it very confusing. It claims the analyzer should have a .dylib, yet the sample builds a .so. I also explicitly set CMake to use Clang as its compiler.

Any ideas what may be going wrong?

@Joebeazelman Sorry for the late reply! Several of us were out of office last week due to the Labor Day holiday.

The build lib file should be in .so format. Can you confirm you are attempting the build and debug instructions in the link below:

Let me know where you were seeing mention of the .dylib file format and I can look into the conflict of information provided on our documentation.