Importing Saleae(logic 2) module in IronPython environment

I have been trying to import Saleae module in IronPython(2.7.7/2.7.12) environment. However, errors are being thrown, all of them indicating that IronPython may not be able to detect Saleae module. Is Saleae logic 2 module compatible with IronPython ? If yes, can someone guide on how to go about its import in IronPython ?

@rosengarg123 We test and develop our Automation API on Python 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10 only. IronPython is unfortunately not part of our list of supported environments.

  • Under IronPython, are you able to get the logic2-automation package installed properly?
    pip install logic2-automation

  • Can I know your specific reason for needing to use IronPython over Python 3.x versions mentioned above?

  • As a quick test to ensure that the Automation API works on your end under our supported environments, do you have the ability to test it using the Python 3.x versions mentioned above (just as a debugging exercise to ensure that nothing else might be broken)?

@rosengarg123 I just noticed that IronPython is based on Python 2.7, which is likely the cause of the issue you are seeing, since our Automation API is only supported on Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.

  1. Under IronPython, are you able to get the logic2-automation package installed properly?
    No. Apparently, the latest version of IronPython supports Python 3.4.1 and logic2-automation requires Python versions >=3.7.

  2. Can I know your specific reason for needing to use IronPython over Python 3.x versions mentioned above?
    I have a .NET application already and wanted to add the capability of capturing frames through it. IronPython may have been a suitable approach to achieve this.

  3. As a quick test to ensure that the Automation API works on your end under our supported environments, do you have the ability to test it using the Python 3.x versions mentioned above (just as a debugging exercise to ensure that nothing else might be broken)?
    I have tested the sample script using Python 3.x versions. It runs perfectly fine.

@rosengarg123 Got it. Thanks for answering those questions. It looks like IronPython simply isn’t compatible with our Automation API at the moment based on the tests you ran, and due to its ties to Python 3.4.

I’d like to get this request posted on our ideas site below so we can start compiling user interest in adding support for it.

I don’t expect we’d be able to add support for it anytime soon due to other priorities, but I’d like to get your request logged nonetheless. Feel free to get that posted using the link above (I can also do so on your behalf if you prefer).

Thanks for your quick replies.
It would be great if you could post this on your idea site, on my behalf.

@rosengarg123 Done! Here is the feature request post I created below.

Thanks Tim .