The more closely you use/leverage typical scope functionality, the easier it will be for users to understand how this mode works. To me, the most basic function is to define a trigger condition (like you already have) and whenever that trigger condition happens, start re-plotting data at the screen’s trigger position. (Filling in data before the trigger if the trigger is not on the very left hand side of the screen.) The user can choose to have the screen erased first, or have each trigger’s worth of data plotted on top of the last (to show glitches for example).
I’d like to be able to set the trigger location horizontally, and not have it move, even if after the trigger more data comes in and goes off the right hand edge of the screen.
I’d like to be able to trigger on analog levels (rising/falling/either) as well as digital.
To go for the moon - the ability to trigger on decoded analyzer data would be amazing, but sounds hard to do in real-time.
From there you can make it as complex as you want - keep adding more and more scope features. Like delayed trigger, complex trigger, etc.
There are times when I’d like to be able to use an ‘auto’ mode for the trigger, where it doesn’t wait for a trigger but just fills my screen with data, then immediately starts over from the left hand side of the screen. That way, if I want to show exactly 10ms of data over and over, I just make my screen exactly 10ms wide and I’ll be able to show exactly that much time continuously.
To me the fundamental feature here is that instead of simply scrolling the data under the window, you re-draw the same window with new data (no scrolling). Then you control when the data starts drawing on the left side of the screen (trigger, auto mode, etc.) and you have yourself a scope.
This will be fantastically useful to me in my daily work. When Logic 2.0 added the ability to live scroll data as it was being captured it really changed the way I used my Saleae. Now I just kind of always have it watching my circuit, scrolling by, in case something interesting happens. Giving us the ability use this as a scope it going to make it even more of a useful always-on tool.